Testing! Testing! 44939

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Testing! Testing! 44939
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Testing! Testing!

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1Testing! Testing! Empty Testing! Testing! 7th December 2006, 12:51 am



peal vearlear konlong hous jear jreun khae

kyom jouk merl tae kon khmer min romlong

Prey Akum,Neang Neat, Jaov Pous Kaing Kong

ber merl tov kmean khos chkong konlaing na

Kmouch Jaek Chvear,Ream Kaeh,Pei Neang Lek

pit la’or jek jeang snaeha Neang SeyDa

Aeh Aat bey(3), Pdey La’or rit os’ja

norm pross pross kern prachnha smerh srey srey..ehehehe:lol:

2Testing! Testing! Empty Re: Testing! Testing! 10th December 2006, 3:23 pm



bong ott mean kun khmer merl phorng


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