a lov deng tha ani khmao men tern hey hor ? ( khmao ter kai ter smos snae nas na om) hahaahaha lolzzzsokhayun wrote:ah'lov ding maen taen heuy laeng sour tat heuy...lolzzzAni Chnass wrote:jommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jos ber deng tha ani ko hok hey nov tver per mok sour doch ot deng tver ey jos om ? lolzzzzzsokhayun wrote:kom kohok pekkkkkkkkkk..kheunh lerk mon sor ter..lolzzzzzzzAni Chnass wrote:khmao men ta om ot jer te der sour nak thlorb khenh ani tov hahahahasokhayun wrote:ani kmao maen rir?????
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