Dol tngai kom-Nott 44939

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Dol tngai kom-Nott 44939
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Dol tngai kom-Nott

7 posters

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1Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Dol tngai kom-Nott 14th May 2008, 1:42 pm


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Super Moderator

Hello friends, kyom baht dol tngai trov baek heuy baek knear mouy royeak pit chea oul deam kor ning niyeay nass dorch peak tha avei avei yeung ark kae brae ban tae pel velea yeung min ark mean tngai trolob krouy ban leuy yang na minh kyom KhmerUS trov leak jark LK mouy ro-yeak Sad kyom pit chea min jong baek te tae nis chea prumlikit kom rett. soum joun por ouy nak tang oss srolanh rorp arn knear knong neam chheam khmer tae mouy. I'm leaving on Thu the 15th kir tngai sa aerk kyom khom ro avei chea last post deam bei tok anusavary mon pel baek tae ro nirk min khenh avei soss. na mouy kyom kmean pel jrun nirng tver tov ban chhleat ban tich touch sungkhim tha chea last my artical in LoveKhmer forum. vilear nis moung 4:30 am jit pleur heuy kyom pngeak tang pi mourng 2am alov feeling sleepy and tired kyom brohael chhleat taeng komnap joungkrouy mouy mon ning lear jak LK tov. soum ouy nak tang oss ban seckdey sok chea reang rohort...
Lear heuy I loved you All..............
lear heuy..
Dol tngai kom-Nott E_1_57
Tngai sa'aerk baek knea Sad Sad Sad
Dol tngai kom-Nott E_1_46

2Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 14th May 2008, 2:23 pm



kom yom ei khmerUS ber you yom pourk yeung neng yom tam lov heuy.
pourk yeung pit jea min jang oy khmerUS baek pi pourk yeung tei tae tver mdech niss jea banh jea pourk min arch khort khaing ban . khmerUS tov pourk yeung prakot jea nirk khmerUS prous yeung teang oss knea tlob niyeay knea leng sabaiy reang rorl tngeiy nov LK niss . Tours yarng na kor doy kyom soum orkun khmerUS dael ban mork LK niss dael tver oy kyom ban skal heuy kor doy bong paoun yeung pserng teat dae .
KhmerUS soum jam tok tha tours you tov dol ti na kor doy kor knong jet pourk yeung nirk rolirk dol khmerUS dae heuy pourk yeung neng rorng jam khmerUS trolob mork jourb neng pourk yeung vinh nov LK niss . you kom kit jreun pek tang jet oy la'or , heuy proyae proyat kloun phorng , thae raksa kloun oy ban la'or , pourk yeung bonh preas sompeas tevada soum oy lok jouy tam thae raksa khmerUS krorb ti konlaeng kom oy mean avey kert lerng .
Pourk yeung nov rorng jam khmerUS trolob mork vinh ,
KhmerUS trov tae trolorb mork joub pourk yeung vinh Ok
Soum khmerUS jam tok tha khmerUS nov knong jet robos pourk yeung teang oss knea rohout tours khmerUS baek tov chngay kor doy .
Thae kloun oy ban la'or ok please
besdoung besdoung besdoung besdoung
yom yom yom yom

3Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 14th May 2008, 3:23 pm



HOuy pok young krop knea kor som ouy khmerUS tov ouy ban sok chnes or mea sontrov tang lay chhab ouy ban vil trolop mok rok LoveKhmer ning pok youngvin knong pel chhab chhab nis..we all and missU too KhmerUS yom yom Sad Sad .

4Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 14th May 2008, 10:37 pm


New Active
New Active

wish you good luck to come back

5Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 14th May 2008, 10:50 pm

Ravy Patrick

Ravy Patrick

You tha nis kir chear prum li kit but kyom ott kit archeang te pross ni ki chear monus chear nak komnot huy nis kir you chear nak kom not kloun aeng min mean nak na mnak noss te.
kyom kron te niyeay nov avaei del trov te bunnoss.
Te kom picy aei kyom deang tha kus tov leunk ti mouy arch trolob mork vinh ban huy leuk nis kor arch trolob mork vinh ban del. believe kyom choss. thaei na mouy pel del kyom jol lk neang kunh your ID khmerUs :D
kom kit chrean pek trov kit tha toss chear mean reung avai keart lung kor doch nis you tve doum baei protess cheart , prochear jun tong mol. kyom som sosseur you chear ti bomput del chass mean sma rodaei ka pear protess cheat and people.
Kus trov cham tha lk kompong rong cham you trolob mork vinh. you trov te chnass nov mear sottov tong oss.
tve mich bur kyom ban skol kus nov lk tov huy doch chass kyom brakot chear mean ka prouy barom huy and nak ral knear pong del nov lk nis. kyom jear tha archeang.
som tavada khmer and god tam thae rak sa boran chin pong.
hay som hov ouy chom name turb vear sak sit ok?
take care and best wish to you to come back douy mean sakdaei sok san.
besdoung besdoung besdoung
d'worry you will be back and sok san chear ti bomput
missU and everybody in lk too. nobody tor mort tor kor chear mouy kyom teart huy
please tavada help you to come back to lk pong.
biyear cheer mouy before you go............
good luck,
best friend ,

6Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 15th May 2008, 12:16 am


New Active
New Active

Good luck pros

7Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 15th May 2008, 5:44 am


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Super Moderator

regard wrote:Good luck pros
orrkun broz... hello

8Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 15th May 2008, 5:55 am


Super Moderator
Super Moderator

aew!! sman tae you kheng me heuy jess nov nirk dael ter KhmerUS mean somnang thom heuy jung kekekeke

nhom min torn jinh tov Iraq te tov trim Oceanside sin u know Oceanside right? by san diego pi yeung tov 1 hour ter you tov leng me ban kekeke ke ouy tov nov ning rorng jam order kran tae knong nous ke stricky nass min ouy go online ei te today and other half day tomorrow is my last online i'm gonna miss all my friend chea pisess LoveKhmer friend hehehehe orrkun ravy nass na jam me mor vinh joup knear teat I'mma say goodbye now incase I don't have other time for tomorrow.
cheers d'worry I'm be ok biyear orrkun bye bye....
prettyravy wrote:You tha nis kir chear prum li kit but kyom ott kit archeang te pross ni ki chear monus chear nak komnot huy nis kir you chear nak kom not kloun aeng min mean nak na mnak noss te.
kyom kron te niyeay nov avaei del trov te bunnoss.
Te kom picy aei kyom deang tha kus tov leunk ti mouy arch trolob mork vinh ban huy leuk nis kor arch trolob mork vinh ban del. believe kyom choss. thaei na mouy pel del kyom jol lk neang kunh your ID khmerUs :D
kom kit chrean pek trov kit tha toss chear mean reung avai keart lung kor doch nis you tve doum baei protess cheart , prochear jun tong mol. kyom som sosseur you chear ti bomput del chass mean sma rodaei ka pear protess cheat and people.
Kus trov cham tha lk kompong rong cham you trolob mork vinh. you trov te chnass nov mear sottov tong oss.
tve mich bur kyom ban skol kus nov lk tov huy doch chass kyom brakot chear mean ka prouy barom huy and nak ral knear pong del nov lk nis. kyom jear tha archeang.
som tavada khmer and god tam thae rak sa boran chin pong.
hay som hov ouy chom name turb vear sak sit ok?
take care and best wish to you to come back douy mean sakdaei sok san.
besdoung besdoung besdoung
d'worry you will be back and sok san chear ti bomput
missU and everybody in lk too. nobody tor mort tor kor chear mouy kyom teart huy
please tavada help you to come back to lk pong.
biyear cheer mouy before you go............
good luck,
best friend ,

9Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 15th May 2008, 5:58 am


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Super Moderator

sophiriya wrote:HOuy pok young krop knea kor som ouy khmerUS tov ouy ban sok chnes or mea sontrov tang lay chhab ouy ban vil trolop mok rok LoveKhmer ning pok youngvin knong pel chhab chhab nis..we all and missU too KhmerUS yom yom Sad Sad .
thank you my sister I really appreciate very much orrkun nass baht ban Sophiriya joun domnar kyom pit chea sok sabbye douy kun nak tang oss knear dael joun porr kyom. lear heuy see you when ever I'm here kekekeke you don't drink beer kyom joun coffee jos coffee cheers

10Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 15th May 2008, 6:11 am


Super Moderator
Super Moderator

orr kun nass Dane kyom baeb nirk dane jeang ke heuy oss mean na chhlous bondouy kyom tov bat hehehehe ort ei te nov chhlous ban teat kir chlous tam yul sob hahhaha kyom pit chea nirk dane man na tlop tae yeay knear leng ral doung eilov baek knear nirk nass nirk nass orb terb
soum Dane thae raksa klun kom nov online yu yu pek trim moung 10 11 ei ban heuy kom dol jit plier dorch ral doung jung yatt tngai na bong Deth vai computer jol oss. LOLz lear heuy lear tang alai Dol tngai kom-Nott 11_5_5

@~*Dane*~@ wrote:kom yom ei khmerUS ber you yom pourk yeung neng yom tam lov heuy.
pourk yeung pit jea min jang oy khmerUS baek pi pourk yeung tei tae tver mdech niss jea banh jea pourk min arch khort khaing ban . khmerUS tov pourk yeung prakot jea nirk khmerUS prous yeung teang oss knea tlob niyeay knea leng sabaiy reang rorl tngeiy nov LK niss . Tours yarng na kor doy kyom soum orkun khmerUS dael ban mork LK niss dael tver oy kyom ban skal heuy kor doy bong paoun yeung pserng teat dae .
KhmerUS soum jam tok tha tours you tov dol ti na kor doy kor knong jet pourk yeung nirk rolirk dol khmerUS dae heuy pourk yeung neng rorng jam khmerUS trolob mork jourb neng pourk yeung vinh nov LK niss . you kom kit jreun pek tang jet oy la'or , heuy proyae proyat kloun phorng , thae raksa kloun oy ban la'or , pourk yeung bonh preas sompeas tevada soum oy lok jouy tam thae raksa khmerUS krorb ti konlaeng kom oy mean avey kert lerng .
Pourk yeung nov rorng jam khmerUS trolob mork vinh ,
KhmerUS trov tae trolorb mork joub pourk yeung vinh Ok
Soum khmerUS jam tok tha khmerUS nov knong jet robos pourk yeung teang oss knea rohout tours khmerUS baek tov chngay kor doy .
Thae kloun oy ban la'or ok please
besdoung besdoung besdoung besdoung
yom yom yom yom

11Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 15th May 2008, 10:15 am



:helo: KhmerUS nov ti nis nov leuy ??? kyom sman tae tov batt heuy ? ter KhmerUS tov na dae ? kyom ban tlob sour KhmerUS tha tov thver tea-hean man te ? heuy KhmerUS chleuy mor vinh nos jea ka pit man rir ? ber enjung kyom suom boung soung os thepvada jouy thae raksa K...US ...pouk yeung nirk dol K..US ning jouy jea kom-lang chet...........min tha tov na te suom mor vinh nov doch derm.............. :pka:

12Dol tngai kom-Nott Empty Re: Dol tngai kom-Nott 15th May 2008, 5:09 pm


Super Moderator
Super Moderator

jolie wrote::helo: KhmerUS nov ti nis nov leuy ??? kyom sman tae tov batt heuy ? ter KhmerUS tov na dae ? kyom ban tlob sour KhmerUS tha tov thver tea-hean man te ? heuy KhmerUS chleuy mor vinh nos jea ka pit man rir ? ber enjung kyom suom boung soung os thepvada jouy thae raksa K...US ...pouk yeung nirk dol K..US ning jouy jea kom-lang chet...........min tha tov na te suom mor vinh nov doch derm.............. :pka:

today is my last day of reply or post jolie, thanks for everything I will see you whenever I'm back but don't know when hope not too long bye bye now.........

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