svai tram wrote:kyom vinh prohel ott tov te, cuz mor nov nis 12 years heuy. Jol jet tov visit, but ott tov nov te, ott jes ros nov nos te. Pa and Mak kyom haw tov dae tae kyom ott jes nov te. Kern traffic ott laor, dirty, nov mean si-som-nork-sork-panh, etc...
Kyom min plech khmer te kron tae nov nis yu heuy, jol jet system nov nis jerng douch jea safty, school, freedom, clean, new technology etc...
Kyom ning tov visit jea nick, esp. kyom nirk Pa and Mak, food, and fruits nas.
Niyey mer tae nov srok ke ot si som nork sork pan jeng. Ti na kor mien puk rolouy dae, kron tae tha tich reu chreoun. Sman tae Americ neng ot souk pan??lolzzzzz
Sovathepheap doy area u rous nov te. Sak tov konlaeng mien pouk ah kmoa ,mexican reu kor khmer klass na sak mer, I theanea tha u ott jong nov te lolzzz hahahaha..
freedom hor??? srok akang niss communist jom tour heuy lolzzz...eng tver ka jang ngob, vea yor tax tov oy ah nek ott tver ka, si luy roth jenh jerm na nos chkoy hahahahha.. nov single teat, kat tax sal tae koot khoar te lolzzz...jeng ban jea pouk nov niss nek klass kjel tver ka. dek si tae luy rot jenh jerm lolzzz..ber jeng u sman tae pouk mexican klass vea yor kone chreoun hor>?
Clean??? nov singapore. clean jeang nov akang teat hahahahaha...
Niyey tov, tov nov srok khmer ber mien luy, a neng sabai rous nov, ber ot luy, vetanea heuy lolzzz....
Me jol jet rous nov srok khmer. prous mien pa mak jenh jerm lolzz hahahaha
nov niss jenh jerm kloun eng. Tver ka jong jet roy save luy tenh game hahahhaha