Khom Bang'uot Sna'dai del jom'long pi ke~!! 44939

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Khom Bang'uot Sna'dai del jom'long pi ke~!! 44939
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Khom Bang'uot Sna'dai del jom'long pi ke~!!

Bong Tim
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1Khom Bang'uot Sna'dai del jom'long pi ke~!! Empty Khom Bang'uot Sna'dai del jom'long pi ke~!! 4th September 2009, 9:29 am



Hi All, I have found this news in DAP-NEWS.COM and want to share with you all for feedback. so give your opinion pls~!

enAtamsßanIyTUrTsSn_mYycMnYn )ankekIteLIgvijnUvExSPaBynþExµr EdlemIleTAhak;dUcCaKYr[emaTkPaB sRmab;ExµrCaxøaMg. b:uEnþGVIEdlKYr[esaksþayCaBn;eBk cMeBaHvb,Fm’Griy Fm’Exµr EdlFøab;Etl,Il,ajtaMgBIGtItkalmkenaH KWExSPaBynþPaKEdl kMBugdak;bBa©️aMgtamkBa©️k;TUrTsSn_nana RtUveKR)ab;fa minEmnCasñaédniBn§ rbs;kUnExµrBitR)akdeT. vaCasñaédExµrBitEmn b:uEnþKWkUnExµrxMbeBa©️jejIs QambkERb b¤cmøgBIbreTsmkEtb:ueNÑaH. y:agenHKWCaerOgKYr[ekat sresIrsRmab;ExµrEdlcMNayeBlevlabkERbPaBynþbreTs ehIydak; eQµaHfaxøÜnCaGñkniBn§. enHKWCaemaTnPaBBYkExµrb:unµannak; EdlxMbkERbenaH b:uEnþvaeFVI[Gab;muxmat;kitþiysnKrExµrbc©️úb,nñ nigGab;»nekrþ×eQµaHdUntaExµr rab;tMNmkehIyenaH.
kalBIb:unµanExmunsemþcnaykrdæm®️nþI h‘un Esn RbmuxénraCrdæaPi)alkm<úCa )ansþIbenÞasedaypÞal;cMeBaHsßanIyTUrTsSn_kñúgRsukmYy Edl)anpliterOg mYy ehIyRtUvsemþcRbmuxrdæaPi)albBa¢ak;fa CaExSerOgPaKEdl)ancmøg ecjBIPaBynþesom . ebItamRbmuxrdæaPi)al TaMgsac;erOg nigrebobrbbdwk naMsEmþg KWdUcKñaTaMgRsugeTAnwgExSPaBynþPaKrbs;esom EdlRbkarenHeK mindwgfa etIPaKIesomnwgRtUvbþwgcMeBaHGñklYckmµsiT§irbs;eK b¤mYyesomRtUv EføgGMNrKuNcMeBaHGñkEdl)anlYckmµsiT§irbs;eKmkpSBVpSaybnþ ? EbbenH enAEtekItmanerOgdEdl²enH enAelIkBa©️k;TUrTsSn_EdlPaKeRcIn)ankMBugEt BüayampliterOgPaKExµredayxøÜnÉg .
TsSnikCnEdlCaGñkesñhavis½ysil,³)anemIleXIjfa erOgPaKExµrEdl kMBugbBa©️aMgenAtamsßanIyTUrTsSn_)ay½nPaKeRcInftcmøgsac;erOg b¤lMnaMerOg BIplitkmµrbs;esom . minfaEtsßanIy_TUrTsSn_enHeT sUm,IEtsßanIy_TUrTsSn_ GbSrab:usþ×elx 11 erOgPaKEdlkMBugbBa©️aMgsBVéf¶eRkamcMNg;eCIgfa {kUn RbsaRsIRsukERs} RtUv)anmCÆdæanGñktamdan[dwgfa KWCakarftcmøgTaMg Rsug 100 PaKry BIExSPaBynþPaKesom . bNþaTsSnikCnminh‘ansnñidæan fa ExSerOgkUnRsIGñkRsukERs RtUvExµrlYcBIesom b¤esomlYcBIExµrenaHeT b:uEnþ eKdwgfaerOgenHesomplitmunExµr . ebIy:agenHmann½yfa KWExµrenHÉgEdl CaGñkxMRbwglYccmøgerOgesommksabRBYselIExµr . minEmnEtkrNITaMgenH eT sUm,IEterOgdéTeTotEdlFøab;bBa©️aMgCaerOy²enAelIkBa©️k;TUrTsSn_d¾man RbCaRbiyPaB k¾)anftcmøgTaMgRsugBIExSPaBynþkUer:enaHEdr . BYkeKtaMgxøÜn CaGñkniBn§tMNag[QamC½rExµr .
RkumGñksil,³/ GñkniBn§/ sil,kr>>> suT§EtbgðajnUvectnacg;[mankar KaMRTeTAelIsñaédrbs;xøÜn . b:uEnþRbCaBlrdæminGacKaMRT)aneLIy BIeRBaHEt eKdwgfa enaHminEmnCasñaédExµreT b:uEnþKWCasñaédExµrEdllYccmøgBIbreTs ehIybnøMeKÉgfaxøÜnCaGñkniBn§ . minEmnEterOgPaKenaHeT EdlkøayCaRbFan bTénkar{lYc} BIbNþaCnEdltaMgxøÜnCabitasil,³ . sUm,IEtbTceRmogmYy cMnYnk¾Gñksil,³TaMgenHlYccmøgBIbreTspgEdr . RkumsEmþgRsþIceRmog4nak; enARbeTskUer: KMrambþwgplitkmµkñúgRsukmYyEdl)ancmøgbTceRcogrbs;eK ehIyfaCarbs;xøÜn .
etI[TsSnikCnKaMRTkarplitPaBynþrbs;GñklYcsñaédbreTsenaHy:ag dUcemþceTAekIt ? ExµrCMnan;edImEdlmanekrþ×eQµaHl,Il,aj minEdl)anlYc cmøgsñaédBIbNþaRbeTsCitxagenaHeLIy . Cak;EsþgRbéBNIvb,Fm’ TMenom Tmøab; k,Ünc,ab;KmkrNIenHKYrEtRksYgvb,Fm’ nigviciRtsil,³RtYtBinitü[)anc,as;las;ecos vagbitasil,³mYycMnYnykerOgbreTsmkftcmøg ehIyGYtfaCaerOgxøÜnÉg EdlEbbenHeFVI[ExµrTUTaMgnKr CaBiessExµrEdlkMBugP¢ÜrERssÞÚgdkenATICn bTEdlmindwgerOgenaH EbrCaTTYlkarefáaleTasriHKn;BIbreTsEdlCam©️as; kmµsiT§ienaHeTAvij . BYkGñkbitasil,³TaMgenHebIsinCaykerOgburaNrbs;Exµr eTAplitCaExSPaBynþvijenaH KWmanEtbMpøicbMpøajsñaédcas;buraNb:ueNÑaH . dUcenHKWbitasil,³vb,Fm’CaGñkbMpøajsil,³vb,Fm’ . müa:geTot KYrEtman karebIkRbLgEtgniBn§erOgRbelamelakfµI edIm,IyksñaédTaMgenaH enAEtCa ExSPaBynþvIedGUenaH rwtEtRbesIr.

Bong Tim

Bong Tim

Er....Dy dov i arn jang bek phnek hey...te arn dach ta ma kanat te ma kanat teat ott jenh ei sos!! lol


LK Member
LK Member

This is the reason why Preah Vihear became an issue when it should be khmer's. Yes, Preah Vihear temple is khmer temple. But, who agree when khmer copied so many things from Thai? Thai Keep saying that we stole from them, yes that's true. We stole movie, story, musics, and other stuffs. If we ever make or produce something on our own, there shouldn't be any problem with the the border. We gave them the advantage, that's why they had the reason to say that Preah Vihear temple is their temple too. That's why they said, if we stole musics and movie from them, what else did we steal from them? If we never stole anything from them, it should be our temple, no question ask.

Yes that's true, khmer like to steal from others. The only thing that we have left that's still make us remember that we're khmer is our name Cambodia. Every other things, we stole from Thai, Chinese, Korean, America...



or kun Mandy for sharing a useful article.

tarm pit kyom men chong bon'tos neak nark ke te pruas via jia phol vibark neay song'kom teang mool

ber chong ouy avei avei la or

The Best Answer Is Education,Quality of Education.

Quality of Education------ Quality of Human Resources--- Basis of Sustainable Development

dor rarb na kar serksa nov tae jeng ... dam jeik tov

jeng barn k'nhom tloib niyey nov knong discussion muay nov my university tha

song'kom khmer jia song'kom ar'phop...doch trov bon'das sar

men bach bon'tos neak nar te neak dael mean tua nearti knong kar aphi'wat trorlob tov merl kluan aeng tov

ber chong la or tov rer porpon kar serksa sar thmei

som nua kor kir tha ...Where is Quality of Education?

ber rok men khenh te cham pel ror'seal ror'seal jeat kroy cham niyey rerng aphi'wat hahahhah


LK Member
LK Member

~Khemarak~ wrote:This is the reason why Preah Vihear became an issue when it should be khmer's. Yes, Preah Vihear temple is khmer temple. But, who agree when khmer copied so many things from Thai? Thai Keep saying that we stole from them, yes that's true. We stole movie, story, musics, and other stuffs. If we ever make or produce something on our own, there shouldn't be any problem with the the border. We gave them the advantage, that's why they had the reason to say that Preah Vihear temple is their temple too. That's why they said, if we stole musics and movie from them, what else did we steal from them? If we never stole anything from them, it should be our temple, no question ask.

Yes that's true, khmer like to steal from others. The only thing that we have left that's still make us remember that we're khmer is our name Cambodia. Every other things, we stole from Thai, Chinese, Korean, America...

Why did u say only khmer steal everything from Siam?? Y didnt u say they steal from us before too huh??? It's not fair dude.
They know that Preh Vihear belongs to Cambodia. But they just act stupid as an innocent child. kheng . They try to change the history and lie to their people. I believe that not all Siam people act stupid like the other. I am glad that we could make sth for our own like Rock production. I admire them but at the same time,u cant just blame those bullshit to only khmer! Few thai songs also copy from Korean too if I am not mistaken. so wot huh?? Craps blurp


News Reporter
News Reporter

kyom yol srob tam bong teang orss, rol thgnai niss pouk neak nipun orss teang noss min del ban thver avey jin pi saday kloun eng te deng ta pi jomlong pi ke, min tha tae khae pheap yun te sobey jomreang,
kyom pit jea chngol nass tha teu pouk neak nipun ors nos mean jess khmass kloun eng te del rol thgnai out kdeng kdeng tha kloun jea neak nipun tae tam pit tov kir jea neak copie ning jea neak bork brae vinh te, somrab kyom yol tha vea jea kar amass mouy, min deng tha pouk a siem orss noss vea seuch khmer yueng yang na te del jam jomlorng ta pi ke baeb niss

kyom som ors yolbol pun niss

anyways orkun borng del leuk york rueng nis mork niyeay :D


LK Member
LK Member

Netra wrote:
~Khemarak~ wrote:This is the reason why Preah Vihear became an issue when it should be khmer's. Yes, Preah Vihear temple is khmer temple. But, who agree when khmer copied so many things from Thai? Thai Keep saying that we stole from them, yes that's true. We stole movie, story, musics, and other stuffs. If we ever make or produce something on our own, there shouldn't be any problem with the the border. We gave them the advantage, that's why they had the reason to say that Preah Vihear temple is their temple too. That's why they said, if we stole musics and movie from them, what else did we steal from them? If we never stole anything from them, it should be our temple, no question ask.

Yes that's true, khmer like to steal from others. The only thing that we have left that's still make us remember that we're khmer is our name Cambodia. Every other things, we stole from Thai, Chinese, Korean, America...

Why did u say only khmer steal everything from Siam?? Y didnt u say they steal from us before too huh??? It's not fair dude.
They know that Preh Vihear belongs to Cambodia. But they just act stupid as an innocent child. kheng . They try to change the history and lie to their people. I believe that not all Siam people act stupid like the other. I am glad that we could make sth for our own like Rock production. I admire them but at the same time,u cant just blame those bullshit to only khmer! Few thai songs also copy from Korean too if I am not mistaken. so wot huh?? Craps blurp
What you think am I, Thai? I understood that part, I understand that we steal from each other. But, my point was if we just act on our own and never involve with those supid Thai, then we wouldn't have any problem. Because the world will know that only Thai stole everything from us, but since we steal back and forth then it's hard to decide which's right and which's wrong. I'm not only blaming khmer, and say other country never steal from other. But I said that we gave Thai something to say back, when there's should be any reason that Preah Vihear Temple should be theres. Yes you're right, they lied to their own people, but are you sure that only Thai lie to their own people? How can you know so sure that everything in the Cambodian's history book is true? I'm not on Thai side or blaming Khmer, but I think it's both country's false, not just one side. You can't just learn khmer history and hate Thai, and Thai can't just learn their history and hate us. You have to look at both side, if I remember from what I've learned our king love so many foreign women. See that, even long time ago khmer wanted to be somebody else. What khmer have left that's still khmer? What I see everyday, kid this day love to do like others. The way they dress, the way they act, the way they live in their society...Girl get pregnant, boys do drugs, girl wear short skirt, tiny shirt, disrespect parents, rob, kill... and rap music, dj and all those cheap craps, Did khmer ever have that before?



yes yes bong tlob niyeay heuy tha merl kun pheak khmer nov bayon kir douch merl kun thai dae i don't like tei , bong merl kir merl tour ber sach reung ott jol jet ei sos prous tha douch kmean sach reung ei oy tamdan mean ney avey nos tei .
tae pheak jreun kei jol jet reung nov bayon prous pourk kei taing noss jol jet merl reung seam .

seam kir taeng tae lourch pi khmer , louch chomlang pi khmer kal pi mon mork , yeung min trov tver douch pourk ah jang rey seam neng tei . ber sen yeung min jes kom tver min trov tov copy pi kei nos tei .
neak nipon neng kir jea neak mean tveydai kharng chomlang pi kei min men mean tvaydai khang nipon nos tei .

Prolorm lok sorsai ban jreun heuy mean reung jea jreun la'or la'or kour york reung oss neng klas mork leng vea proser jeang tov copy pi kei oy kei merl ngeay

euyyyyyyyyyyyyyy pourk os niss yap nos yap

Last edited by PheaKdeySnaeh on 5th September 2009, 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total


LK Member
LK Member

Kyom yol srob na bong



A Thea wrote:Er....Dy dov i arn jang bek phnek hey...te arn dach ta ma kanat te ma kanat teat ott jenh ei sos!! lol

Onh, yab mean ke oy arn thomada te nah... kom arn rohot dol dach nah khouch web oss heuy... broyath bong Dane denh vai nah... Very Happy


LK Member
LK Member

~Khemarak~ wrote:
Netra wrote:
~Khemarak~ wrote:This is the reason why Preah Vihear became an issue when it should be khmer's. Yes, Preah Vihear temple is khmer temple. But, who agree when khmer copied so many things from Thai? Thai Keep saying that we stole from them, yes that's true. We stole movie, story, musics, and other stuffs. If we ever make or produce something on our own, there shouldn't be any problem with the the border. We gave them the advantage, that's why they had the reason to say that Preah Vihear temple is their temple too. That's why they said, if we stole musics and movie from them, what else did we steal from them? If we never stole anything from them, it should be our temple, no question ask.

Yes that's true, khmer like to steal from others. The only thing that we have left that's still make us remember that we're khmer is our name Cambodia. Every other things, we stole from Thai, Chinese, Korean, America...

Why did u say only khmer steal everything from Siam?? Y didnt u say they steal from us before too huh??? It's not fair dude.
They know that Preh Vihear belongs to Cambodia. But they just act stupid as an innocent child. kheng . They try to change the history and lie to their people. I believe that not all Siam people act stupid like the other. I am glad that we could make sth for our own like Rock production. I admire them but at the same time,u cant just blame those bullshit to only khmer! Few thai songs also copy from Korean too if I am not mistaken. so wot huh?? Craps blurp
What you think am I, Thai? I understood that part, I understand that we steal from each other. But, my point was if we just act on our own and never involve with those supid Thai, then we wouldn't have any problem. Because the world will know that only Thai stole everything from us, but since we steal back and forth then it's hard to decide which's right and which's wrong. I'm not only blaming khmer, and say other country never steal from other. But I said that we gave Thai something to say back, when there's should be any reason that Preah Vihear Temple should be theres. Yes you're right, they lied to their own people, but are you sure that only Thai lie to their own people? How can you know so sure that everything in the Cambodian's history book is true? I'm not on Thai side or blaming Khmer, but I think it's both country's false, not just one side. You can't just learn khmer history and hate Thai, and Thai can't just learn their history and hate us. You have to look at both side, if I remember from what I've learned our king love so many foreign women. See that, even long time ago khmer wanted to be somebody else. What khmer have left that's still khmer? What I see everyday, kid this day love to do like others. The way they dress, the way they act, the way they live in their society...Girl get pregnant, boys do drugs, girl wear short skirt, tiny shirt, disrespect parents, rob, kill... and rap music, dj and all those cheap craps, Did khmer ever have that before?

Well..i dont think u r Seam and I dont care either who u r. Since u said that it's both countries false, Y did u only blame khmer side??? Cuz I've seen U were talking craps alot about Khmer.
Again, I dont hate Siem and I dont love them either.Why should I love them when they dont like my nation and my people? And u shouldn't blame only khmer either.
I didnt say only Siem lies to their own people. But in this case, we are talking about Seam and Khmer. Could u proof me if Khmer history book is not true???
Everything changes from one generation to another.U cant go back to the era of riding a wood bike. boys do drug,girls get pregnant and all those shits happen everywhere cuz of the influence from other countries. And not only khmer get those shits,but also other countries. blurp



~Khemarak~ wrote:This is the reason why Preah Vihear became an issue when it should be khmer's. Yes, Preah Vihear temple is khmer temple. But, who agree when khmer copied so many things from Thai? Thai Keep saying that we stole from them, yes that's true. We stole movie, story, musics, and other stuffs. If we ever make or produce something on our own, there shouldn't be any problem with the the border. We gave them the advantage, that's why they had the reason to say that Preah Vihear temple is their temple too. That's why they said, if we stole musics and movie from them, what else did we steal from them? If we never stole anything from them, it should be our temple, no question ask.

Yes that's true, khmer like to steal from others. The only thing that we have left that's still make us remember that we're khmer is our name Cambodia. Every other things, we stole from Thai, Chinese, Korean, America...

Yes, I agree with you in this case... but actually, thai is the thief... the history have show us.... have you seen the movie Treydomrey of thai is the same as Moronak mae'da of khmer so what do you think that we stole from thai or thai stole from us??

We all know that thai have modern technology then us in movie and some more but now talk only movie. they have produce the above movie before us that can make everyone confuse that we have to stole from them but in real this story is khmer story.


LK Member
LK Member

khemandy wrote:
~Khemarak~ wrote:This is the reason why Preah Vihear became an issue when it should be khmer's. Yes, Preah Vihear temple is khmer temple. But, who agree when khmer copied so many things from Thai? Thai Keep saying that we stole from them, yes that's true. We stole movie, story, musics, and other stuffs. If we ever make or produce something on our own, there shouldn't be any problem with the the border. We gave them the advantage, that's why they had the reason to say that Preah Vihear temple is their temple too. That's why they said, if we stole musics and movie from them, what else did we steal from them? If we never stole anything from them, it should be our temple, no question ask.

Yes that's true, khmer like to steal from others. The only thing that we have left that's still make us remember that we're khmer is our name Cambodia. Every other things, we stole from Thai, Chinese, Korean, America...

Yes, I agree with you in this case... but actually, thai is the thief... the history have show us.... have you seen the movie Treydomrey of thai is the same as Moronak mae'da of khmer so what do you think that we stole from thai or thai stole from us??

We all know that thai have modern technology then us in movie and some more but now talk only movie. they have produce the above movie before us that can make everyone confuse that we have to stole from them but in real this story is khmer story.

Agree hello



Lovekhmer2009 wrote:or kun Mandy for sharing a useful article.

tarm pit kyom men chong bon'tos neak nark ke te pruas via jia phol vibark neay song'kom teang mool

ber chong ouy avei avei la or

The Best Answer Is Education,Quality of Education.

Quality of Education------ Quality of Human Resources--- Basis of Sustainable Development

dor rarb na kar serksa nov tae jeng ... dam jeik tov

jeng barn k'nhom tloib niyey nov knong discussion muay nov my university tha

song'kom khmer jia song'kom ar'phop...doch trov bon'das sar

men bach bon'tos neak nar te neak dael mean tua nearti knong kar aphi'wat trorlob tov merl kluan aeng tov

ber chong la or tov rer porpon kar serksa sar thmei

som nua kor kir tha ...Where is Quality of Education?

ber rok men khenh te cham pel ror'seal ror'seal jeat kroy cham niyey rerng aphi'wat hahahhah

Thanks Tony for your good opinion.... I do agree with you that education is the key point to make everything success.

hmm, have you ever think? why we have no quality education?? you know we have the civil war too long that's why make us so weak.... in this case we should learn more about it. anyway, thanks again.


LK Member
LK Member

To run a country is not like u type couple lines in the computer. Say is easy but when u do it ,it's kinda hard blurp



Mariline wrote:kyom yol srob tam bong teang orss, rol thgnai niss pouk neak nipun orss teang noss min del ban thver avey jin pi saday kloun eng te deng ta pi jomlong pi ke, min tha tae khae pheap yun te sobey jomreang,
kyom pit jea chngol nass tha teu pouk neak nipun ors nos mean jess khmass kloun eng te del rol thgnai out kdeng kdeng tha kloun jea neak nipun tae tam pit tov kir jea neak copie ning jea neak bork brae vinh te, somrab kyom yol tha vea jea kar amass mouy, min deng tha pouk a siem orss noss vea seuch khmer yueng yang na te del jam jomlorng ta pi ke baeb niss

kyom som ors yolbol pun niss

anyways orkun borng del leuk york rueng nis mork niyeay :D

Hmmm, aning heuy del tha uot sna'dai del jomlorng pi ke ning na... prous min khom breung taeng nipun kluon aeng te kit tae pi khom bork brae pi ke york mork tver jea robos kluon..... tae tha tha tov yeung min kuor niyeay bontos oy ta knea aeng te... prous pouk a si bay kream ning jea jor taing pi daun ta vea mork mless... vea luoch pi yeung york tov heuy kor bongkert jea movie mork bomphorn ke aeng tha robos del vea ban luoch jea robos vea.... vaiy som tae dom vea oy ngob.



PheaKdeySnaeh wrote:yes yes bong tlob niyeay heuy tha merl kun pheak khmer nov bayon kir douch merl kun thai dae i don't like tei , bong merl kir merl tour ber sach reung ott jol jet ei sos prous tha douch kmean sach reung ei oy tamdan mean ney avey nos tei .
tae pheak jreun kei jol jet reung nov bayon prous pourk kei taing noss jol jet merl reung seam .

seam kir taeng tae lourch pi khmer , louch chomlang pi khmer kal pi mon mork , yeung min trov tver douch pourk ah jang rey seam neng tei . ber sen yeung min jes kom tver min trov tov copy pi kei nos tei .
neak nipon neng kir jea neak mean tveydai kharng chomlang pi kei min men mean tvaydai khang nipon nos tei .

Prolorm lok sorsai ban jreun heuy mean reung jea jreun la'or la'or kour york reung oss neng klas mork leng vea proser jeang tov copy pi kei oy kei merl ngeay

euyyyyyyyyyyyyyy pourk os niss yap nos yap

hmmm, bong srey niyeay trov... kyom merl prolorm lok bong post nov web nis mean reung la'or merl jreun nas... heuy sot tae jea snadai robos khmer taeng nipun heit ey kor ke min york reung oss ning tov phalit jea movie?? kyom khernh ke sorse ban la'or seug ey....douch jea reung Snae Knong Jomnang, Trojeak kam vongveng mek, la'bej komlos somros kromom jea deum.... ber york reung oss nis tov thort jea movie reus tour na poukae somdaeng mork somdaeng kyom theanea tha brakod jea mean neak komtro yang jreun.... good



Netra wrote:To run a country is not like u type couple lines in the computer. Say is easy but when u do it ,it's kinda hard blurp

oh jeng tloib run houy jeng

ber run ot kert tok ouy ah thlaen tver mar dong tov jeng :D



Netra wrote:
~Khemarak~ wrote:
Netra wrote:
~Khemarak~ wrote:This is the reason why Preah Vihear became an issue when it should be khmer's. Yes, Preah Vihear temple is khmer temple. But, who agree when khmer copied so many things from Thai? Thai Keep saying that we stole from them, yes that's true. We stole movie, story, musics, and other stuffs. If we ever make or produce something on our own, there shouldn't be any problem with the the border. We gave them the advantage, that's why they had the reason to say that Preah Vihear temple is their temple too. That's why they said, if we stole musics and movie from them, what else did we steal from them? If we never stole anything from them, it should be our temple, no question ask.

Yes that's true, khmer like to steal from others. The only thing that we have left that's still make us remember that we're khmer is our name Cambodia. Every other things, we stole from Thai, Chinese, Korean, America...

Why did u say only khmer steal everything from Siam?? Y didnt u say they steal from us before too huh??? It's not fair dude.
They know that Preh Vihear belongs to Cambodia. But they just act stupid as an innocent child. kheng . They try to change the history and lie to their people. I believe that not all Siam people act stupid like the other. I am glad that we could make sth for our own like Rock production. I admire them but at the same time,u cant just blame those bullshit to only khmer! Few thai songs also copy from Korean too if I am not mistaken. so wot huh?? Craps blurp
What you think am I, Thai? I understood that part, I understand that we steal from each other. But, my point was if we just act on our own and never involve with those supid Thai, then we wouldn't have any problem. Because the world will know that only Thai stole everything from us, but since we steal back and forth then it's hard to decide which's right and which's wrong. I'm not only blaming khmer, and say other country never steal from other. But I said that we gave Thai something to say back, when there's should be any reason that Preah Vihear Temple should be theres. Yes you're right, they lied to their own people, but are you sure that only Thai lie to their own people? How can you know so sure that everything in the Cambodian's history book is true? I'm not on Thai side or blaming Khmer, but I think it's both country's false, not just one side. You can't just learn khmer history and hate Thai, and Thai can't just learn their history and hate us. You have to look at both side, if I remember from what I've learned our king love so many foreign women. See that, even long time ago khmer wanted to be somebody else. What khmer have left that's still khmer? What I see everyday, kid this day love to do like others. The way they dress, the way they act, the way they live in their society...Girl get pregnant, boys do drugs, girl wear short skirt, tiny shirt, disrespect parents, rob, kill... and rap music, dj and all those cheap craps, Did khmer ever have that before?

Well..i dont think u r Seam and I dont care either who u r. Since u said that it's both countries false, Y did u only blame khmer side??? Cuz I've seen U were talking craps alot about Khmer.
Again, I dont hate Siem and I dont love them either.Why should I love them when they dont like my nation and my people? And u shouldn't blame only khmer either.
I didnt say only Siem lies to their own people. But in this case, we are talking about Seam and Khmer. Could u proof me if Khmer history book is not true???
Everything changes from one generation to another.U cant go back to the era of riding a wood bike. boys do drug,girls get pregnant and all those shits happen everywhere cuz of the influence from other countries. And not only khmer get those shits,but also other countries. blurp

Great Netra, you have a good idea to share... I think you're a good analyst good hope that you will share us with good experience.... :study:



nos tov cha'ngai bat


neak nar tloib rean Economics ke taeng tae mean assumption tha

ma nos mean rationality

discuss knia douy prer haet phol ...neng accept haet phol dael mean tom'ngon jeang jia chom'naek muay neay vi'thei neay kar kor sarng prach'nha(the way of wisdom)

som ouy prer haet phol dael mean prach'nha truat tra jia jeang haet phol khang logics bart neng tver ouy kar discuss or express idea mean leak'kha'nea creative



LK Member
LK Member

Lovekhmer2009 wrote:
Netra wrote:To run a country is not like u type couple lines in the computer. Say is easy but when u do it ,it's kinda hard blurp

oh jeng tloib run houy jeng

ber run ot kert tok ouy ah thlaen tver mar dong tov jeng :D

Men tlob run te but dirng.

Oy run tver ey. klach tae yap jeang ah nek mun lolz


LK Member
LK Member

khemandy wrote:
Netra wrote:
~Khemarak~ wrote:
Netra wrote:
~Khemarak~ wrote:This is the reason why Preah Vihear became an issue when it should be khmer's. Yes, Preah Vihear temple is khmer temple. But, who agree when khmer copied so many things from Thai? Thai Keep saying that we stole from them, yes that's true. We stole movie, story, musics, and other stuffs. If we ever make or produce something on our own, there shouldn't be any problem with the the border. We gave them the advantage, that's why they had the reason to say that Preah Vihear temple is their temple too. That's why they said, if we stole musics and movie from them, what else did we steal from them? If we never stole anything from them, it should be our temple, no question ask.

Yes that's true, khmer like to steal from others. The only thing that we have left that's still make us remember that we're khmer is our name Cambodia. Every other things, we stole from Thai, Chinese, Korean, America...

Why did u say only khmer steal everything from Siam?? Y didnt u say they steal from us before too huh??? It's not fair dude.
They know that Preh Vihear belongs to Cambodia. But they just act stupid as an innocent child. kheng . They try to change the history and lie to their people. I believe that not all Siam people act stupid like the other. I am glad that we could make sth for our own like Rock production. I admire them but at the same time,u cant just blame those bullshit to only khmer! Few thai songs also copy from Korean too if I am not mistaken. so wot huh?? Craps blurp
What you think am I, Thai? I understood that part, I understand that we steal from each other. But, my point was if we just act on our own and never involve with those supid Thai, then we wouldn't have any problem. Because the world will know that only Thai stole everything from us, but since we steal back and forth then it's hard to decide which's right and which's wrong. I'm not only blaming khmer, and say other country never steal from other. But I said that we gave Thai something to say back, when there's should be any reason that Preah Vihear Temple should be theres. Yes you're right, they lied to their own people, but are you sure that only Thai lie to their own people? How can you know so sure that everything in the Cambodian's history book is true? I'm not on Thai side or blaming Khmer, but I think it's both country's false, not just one side. You can't just learn khmer history and hate Thai, and Thai can't just learn their history and hate us. You have to look at both side, if I remember from what I've learned our king love so many foreign women. See that, even long time ago khmer wanted to be somebody else. What khmer have left that's still khmer? What I see everyday, kid this day love to do like others. The way they dress, the way they act, the way they live in their society...Girl get pregnant, boys do drugs, girl wear short skirt, tiny shirt, disrespect parents, rob, kill... and rap music, dj and all those cheap craps, Did khmer ever have that before?

Well..i dont think u r Seam and I dont care either who u r. Since u said that it's both countries false, Y did u only blame khmer side??? Cuz I've seen U were talking craps alot about Khmer.
Again, I dont hate Siem and I dont love them either.Why should I love them when they dont like my nation and my people? And u shouldn't blame only khmer either.
I didnt say only Siem lies to their own people. But in this case, we are talking about Seam and Khmer. Could u proof me if Khmer history book is not true???
Everything changes from one generation to another.U cant go back to the era of riding a wood bike. boys do drug,girls get pregnant and all those shits happen everywhere cuz of the influence from other countries. And not only khmer get those shits,but also other countries. blurp

Great Netra, you have a good idea to share... I think you're a good analyst good hope that you will share us with good experience.... :study:

Orkun bong ban lerk tirk jet,but nhom nov kmeng kjey nass,men doch bong bong dael yul dirng neng jess chreoun nous te. Nhom kron tae niyey nov avey dael ban joub ban khernh pon noss,heuy kor jea tousanak ney ka yul khernh roboss nhom :D



Netra wrote:
Lovekhmer2009 wrote:
Netra wrote:To run a country is not like u type couple lines in the computer. Say is easy but when u do it ,it's kinda hard blurp

oh jeng tloib run houy jeng

ber run ot kert tok ouy ah thlaen tver mar dong tov jeng :D

Men tlob run te but dirng.

Oy run tver ey. klach tae yap jeang ah nek mun lolz

via yab jeng aeng...ber tor tual skol tha via yab trov aphiwat kluan aeng oy klang mon tov run

ouy mean high potentiality sen cham tov run hhheheh

ke mean idea kron ber phos ke nor


LK Member
LK Member

Lovekhmer2009 wrote:
Netra wrote:
Lovekhmer2009 wrote:
Netra wrote:To run a country is not like u type couple lines in the computer. Say is easy but when u do it ,it's kinda hard blurp

oh jeng tloib run houy jeng

ber run ot kert tok ouy ah thlaen tver mar dong tov jeng :D

Men tlob run te but dirng.

Oy run tver ey. klach tae yap jeang ah nek mun lolz

via yab jeng aeng...ber tor tual skol tha via yab trov aphiwat kluan aeng oy klang mon tov run

ouy mean high potentiality sen cham tov run hhheheh

ke mean idea kron ber phos ke nor

Nek mien experience neng nek terb jenh pi sala,ott doch knea te lolzz..nek klass rean tae kong book te, but dal tov tver,ott dirng kbal yor ey te. Nek klass ke rean heuy ke jess taing tver teat. blurp



I don't have any comment for this issue. I only want to say that if I was an author, I would indeed prefer to show my own work rather than taking someone els's efforts and claiming to be my credits. It's not right!



Doy sar ter ah reung der ter jom lorng tam ke nis heuy teub kjum min der meul reung khmer yeung te. Ke nam knea niyay tha oy juoy leuk dam keung khmer movies, ter kjum niyay prab ke tha beu reung khmer yeung vea la-or nus, min jam bach der prakok pakas prab ke te, keu ke nam knea meul doy khluon eng. Ter beu meul min jol phnek reu kor reung neung luoch jom lorng pi ke, heuy mork uot tha khluon eng jea nak nipun ey, vea sdab tov kuor oy kmas ke pek.

Nov reung muouy der kjum teus phnek khlang men ten nus keu tuor sam-derng ter madorng. Meul tov ch'korng huos pek. Beu niyay vinh khom preung tveu moit, tveu muk, meul tov vea ort tum norng ter madorng. koot



Netra wrote:
Lovekhmer2009 wrote:
Netra wrote:
Lovekhmer2009 wrote:
Netra wrote:To run a country is not like u type couple lines in the computer. Say is easy but when u do it ,it's kinda hard blurp

oh jeng tloib run houy jeng

ber run ot kert tok ouy ah thlaen tver mar dong tov jeng :D

Men tlob run te but dirng.

Oy run tver ey. klach tae yap jeang ah nek mun lolz

via yab jeng aeng...ber tor tual skol tha via yab trov aphiwat kluan aeng oy klang mon tov run

ouy mean high potentiality sen cham tov run hhheheh

ke mean idea kron ber phos ke nor

Nek mien experience neng nek terb jenh pi sala,ott doch knea te lolzz..nek klass rean tae kong book te, but dal tov tver,ott dirng kbal yor ey te. Nek klass ke rean heuy ke jess taing tver teat. blurp

chong deam darm hor

samai eilov ke rean pi kar pit houy pov

ke leng rean knong imagination tae mar yarng houy

trirsdei neng kar pa'teh'bat via der ton'term knia

mean tae trirsdei ot kar pa'teh'bat via kor rorver rorveay

tae ber mean tae kar pa'te'bat ot trirsdei via doch kor ot bong'kol

(upa'mar upa'mei doch direction of khmer development rol ngai jeng...merl tov doch mean tirs dao tae dol merl oy chrov chrov tov ot tirs dao)



sithisak wrote:Doy sar ter ah reung der ter jom lorng tam ke nis heuy teub kjum min der meul reung khmer yeung te. Ke nam knea niyay tha oy juoy leuk dam keung khmer movies, ter kjum niyay prab ke tha beu reung khmer yeung vea la-or nus, min jam bach der prakok pakas prab ke te, keu ke nam knea meul doy khluon eng. Ter beu meul min jol phnek reu kor reung neung luoch jom lorng pi ke, heuy mork uot tha khluon eng jea nak nipun ey, vea sdab tov kuor oy kmas ke pek.

Nov reung muouy der kjum teus phnek khlang men ten nus keu tuor sam-derng ter madorng. Meul tov ch'korng huos pek. Beu niyay vinh khom preung tveu moit, tveu muk, meul tov vea ort tum norng ter madorng. koot
Nerng heuy, ber ort tour nas hav knea tov somdeng tov lolzzzz
Knea der tour kham jromos ke tomnong lek mouy heuy hahaha



Great Netra, you have a good idea to share... I think you're a good analyst good hope that you will share us with good experience.... :study:[/quote]

Orkun bong ban lerk tirk jet,but nhom nov kmeng kjey nass,men doch bong bong dael yul dirng neng jess chreoun nous te. Nhom kron tae niyey nov avey dael ban joub ban khernh pon noss,heuy kor jea tousanak ney ka yul khernh roboss nhom :D[/quote]

hahah, ke min kit reung khmeng jass ey te... ke kit ta pi reung komnith ning ka jess deung pun nus aeng nah



hydrophilistic wrote:
Nerng heuy, ber ort tour nas hav knea tov somdeng tov lolzzzz
Knea der tour kham jromos ke tomnong lek mouy heuy hahaha

Knea tha samlanh eng kuor ter der tuo jab rom lop som jeang lol

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