ter mean nak na arch jouy bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp 44939

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ter mean nak na arch jouy bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp 44939
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ter mean nak na arch jouy bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp

8 posters

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LK Member
LK Member

sousdey louk kakvey ning nak kakvey tang oss knea. kgnom barn arn nov komnarp tang oss roboss bong kakvey ...hery kgnom jol jet group tang komnarp roboss bong bong kakvey klang nass....hery ter bong bong arch bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp barn te......:D




lovekhmer bong jang jouy dae tae bong ott jess onjerng bong jouy ott ban tai . tae mean neak poukae jreun nov ti niss kai neng jouy bang rean dol paoun


3ter mean nak na arch jouy bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp Empty bath min ey te bong 21st August 2007, 11:27 pm


LK Member
LK Member

bath orkun bong ... teh bong jess ter .. mech kor tah ot jess....kgnom kerng bong sorse barn laor seng ey ning....



bong jes tae jess ster ster bong tver jea krou ott ban tai na paoun somlanh euy



Super Moderator
Super Moderator

LoveKhmer wrote:sousdey louk kakvey ning nak kakvey tang oss knea. kgnom barn arn nov komnarp tang oss roboss bong kakvey ...hery kgnom jol jet group tang komnarp roboss bong bong kakvey klang nass....hery ter bong bong arch bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp barn te......:D

just curious, dun u think u r too young to involve in here?



LK Member
LK Member

ok....thanks for asking me....uhm i think there is no problem to make friend or relationship.....i think people in lk don't care about my age...and even i'm young i never make any problem for anyone....so i'm not scare to join......and especially i'm here to learn more.....to get more advice from the people who are older than me...because i think they had a lot of experience in their life...i think they can help me...young people like me..do something,sometime right, sometime wrong....and if i get more advice that are good for me...than...i will listen and repeat....because i think it will be good for a Cambodian's boy that is never forget where did he come from....i'm khmer i'm still khmer and that's why i join khmer......even i'm young.....and one thing i don't want to join some of khmer kids in here that are don't know where did they come from...and they act like stupid and they think they are cool....if i said something wrong please forgive me...because i'm young....orkun


Senior Member
Senior Member

bong kit tha paoun mean ayu tek maen, tae somdey somdao sdab tov doch jea mnus jass onjeung... bong jong juoy bonk rean paoun dae, tae bong kor min sov jes dae... yerng rean tang oss knea tov na...paoun sak sorsay komnap post tov jam bong bong juoy kae...juoy oy yobol na... yol prom te? :D :D



LK Member
LK Member

sopheapneary wrote:bong kit tha paoun mean ayu tek maen, tae somdey somdao sdab tov doch jea mnus jass onjeung... bong jong juoy bonk rean paoun dae, tae bong kor min sov jes dae... yerng rean tang oss knea tov na...paoun sak sorsay komnap post tov jam bong bong juoy kae...juoy oy yobol na... yol prom te? :D :D
bath orkun chrean na bong.....jam paoun sak merl:D :D



allo jah..



LK Member
LK Member

rosehonn wrote:allo jah..
sousdey bath:D


Super Moderator
Super Moderator

rosehonn wrote:allo jah..
Allo oun hoh?



Super Moderator
Super Moderator

LoveKhmer wrote:ok....thanks for asking me....uhm i think there is no problem to make friend or relationship.....i think people in lk don't care about my age...and even i'm young i never make any problem for anyone....so i'm not scare to join......and especially i'm here to learn more.....to get more advice from the people who are older than me...because i think they had a lot of experience in their life...i think they can help me...young people like me..do something,sometime right, sometime wrong....and if i get more advice that are good for me...than...i will listen and repeat....because i think it will be good for a Cambodian's boy that is never forget where did he come from....i'm khmer i'm still khmer and that's why i join khmer......even i'm young.....and one thing i don't want to join some of khmer kids in here that are don't know where did they come from...and they act like stupid and they think they are cool....if i said something wrong please forgive me...because i'm young....orkun
well, i didn't mean to agaisnt you to joint here or where I just concerning your young age with snae-ha thing ter hahahaahahaha

tae merl tov dorch dung ei ei oss huy lolz buh enjeng have fun tov na kekekekeekeke



LK Member
LK Member

KhmerUS wrote:
LoveKhmer wrote:ok....thanks for asking me....uhm i think there is no problem to make friend or relationship.....i think people in lk don't care about my age...and even i'm young i never make any problem for anyone....so i'm not scare to join......and especially i'm here to learn more.....to get more advice from the people who are older than me...because i think they had a lot of experience in their life...i think they can help me...young people like me..do something,sometime right, sometime wrong....and if i get more advice that are good for me...than...i will listen and repeat....because i think it will be good for a Cambodian's boy that is never forget where did he come from....i'm khmer i'm still khmer and that's why i join khmer......even i'm young.....and one thing i don't want to join some of khmer kids in here that are don't know where did they come from...and they act like stupid and they think they are cool....if i said something wrong please forgive me...because i'm young....orkun
well, i didn't mean to agaisnt you to joint here or where I just concerning your young age with snae-ha thing ter hahahaahahaha

tae merl tov dorch dung ei ei oss huy lolz buh enjeng have fun tov na kekekekeekeke
ok....so, you thought that i'm here to get more advice about snae-ha?????i said i'm here to learn more and get advice from people who are older than me,but not that advice about snae-ha..the advice that are good for me.....i'm sorry brother or sister,but if you think that i'm here to have snae-ha,than i think you are wrong....i'm sorry , i didn't know that this website is for people who have snae-ha only...and if you think that i will have snae-ha in this age..you are also wrong too...because now i am in america...the only thing i'm here is to study......and believe me , i'm not going to have snae-ha in this age....


Super Moderator
Super Moderator

LoveKhmer wrote:
KhmerUS wrote:
LoveKhmer wrote:ok....thanks for asking me....uhm i think there is no problem to make friend or relationship.....i think people in lk don't care about my age...and even i'm young i never make any problem for anyone....so i'm not scare to join......and especially i'm here to learn more.....to get more advice from the people who are older than me...because i think they had a lot of experience in their life...i think they can help me...young people like me..do something,sometime right, sometime wrong....and if i get more advice that are good for me...than...i will listen and repeat....because i think it will be good for a Cambodian's boy that is never forget where did he come from....i'm khmer i'm still khmer and that's why i join khmer......even i'm young.....and one thing i don't want to join some of khmer kids in here that are don't know where did they come from...and they act like stupid and they think they are cool....if i said something wrong please forgive me...because i'm young....orkun
well, i didn't mean to agaisnt you to joint here or where I just concerning your young age with snae-ha thing ter hahahaahahaha

tae merl tov dorch dung ei ei oss huy lolz buh enjeng have fun tov na kekekekeekeke
ok....so, you thought that i'm here to get more advice about snae-ha?????i said i'm here to learn more and get advice from people who are older than me,but not that advice about snae-ha..the advice that are good for me.....i'm sorry brother or sister,but if you think that i'm here to have snae-ha,than i think you are wrong....i'm sorry , i didn't know that this website is for people who have snae-ha only...and if you think that i will have snae-ha in this age..you are also wrong too...because now i am in america...the only thing i'm here is to study......and believe me , i'm not going to have snae-ha in this age....
I did say have fun tov na, so enjoy young man kekekekeeke



LK Member
LK Member

hey, thanks...and don't worry i will hve fun....becuae i had so much fun since i've been here. you too bong....have fun....and enjoy..lk is really good people......sorry i talked too much......ok!!!!!



LoveKhmer wrote:sousdey louk kakvey ning nak kakvey tang oss knea. kgnom barn arn nov komnarp tang oss roboss bong kakvey ...hery kgnom jol jet group tang komnarp roboss bong bong kakvey klang nass....hery ter bong bong arch bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp barn te......:D


SouSdey Lovekhmer. Sdab somdey tov doutch jea monos chlat del ter. hummmmmmmm Sad kom tha louy tang kom nap soum bey te sorsai kor bong sorsai min ban lor or phong, bong jong help paoun ouy tang kom nap del te bong ot jess too Sad . Good luck na paoun.


LK Novelist
LK Novelist

Soursdey LK! Ber reong Taeng Komnap nos bong Jouy ot ban teh pa'oun bross, Tae ber aun eng som aoy bong rean sorsei roeng prolom-lork rue reong komplaeng ei nus bong ach jouy ban. Bong sabbay chet nas del khenh khmeng khmer nov srok keh nov mean komnet la'or ches srolanh khmer doch nis.
Ber aun trov kar ei aoy bong help nus kom klach chet klach thlerm ei na bong rik reay ning jouy jeanich.



LK Member
LK Member

bath orkun chrean na bong srey...paoun jong jess tang oss ning ..prous paoun nov ti niss min barn rean khmer teat teh..hery ber paoun min romlirk paoun ning plich....ber bong srey arch bongrean paoun barn ...paoun reakreay ning rean pi bong..na bong srey.


LK Novelist
LK Novelist

Ok.. ber jeng min ei teh jong rean pel na prab bong mork jos na doch deng srab heoy tha bong nis ach tak torng ban krob vithee .... Welcome little boy !



Super Moderator
Super Moderator

Sreylen wrote:Ok.. ber jeng min ei teh jong rean pel na prab bong mork jos na doch deng srab heoy tha bong nis ach tak torng ban krob vithee .... Welcome little boy !
heheheeh just curious sreylen really believed hes that young age? for me i dun, the way he or she seem like well education khmer and English bur niyeay pi khmer jong better then me phung u thing he or she saying da true kekekekeeke just some opinion to thought about lolz



LK Novelist
LK Novelist

Tver mech ber khnom keot mork jea mornus trong merl min deng teh tha keh baok yang mech .... kran tae reong ponneng khmean a'vey thngon thngor teh..khnom yul tha vea jea kar broser tov vinh teh.... heoy khmerus eng mean jong rean jong sot doch keh ot jos !



LK Member
LK Member

KhmerUS wrote:
Sreylen wrote:Ok.. ber jeng min ei teh jong rean pel na prab bong mork jos na doch deng srab heoy tha bong nis ach tak torng ban krob vithee .... Welcome little boy !
heheheeh just curious sreylen really believed hes that young age? for me i dun, the way he or she seem like well education khmer and English bur niyeay pi khmer jong better then me phung u thing he or she saying da true kekekekeeke just some opinion to thought about lolz
yes i am that young...why whouldn't you believe me.... i'm not a education khmer and english...i'm going to be 10 grade....in high school...i know a lot about khmer , because i was born in khmer and i learned a lot about khmer.....please don't say that i'm better than you...i can't take that ..because you are older than me....hehehe


LK Member
LK Member

Sreylen wrote:Tver mech ber khnom keot mork jea mornus trong merl min deng teh tha keh baok yang mech .... kran tae reong ponneng khmean a'vey thngon thngor teh..khnom yul tha vea jea kar broser tov vinh teh.... heoy khmerus eng mean jong rean jong sot doch keh ot jos !
men hery bong srey....bong jea mornus trong prakort jea joup mornus trong doch knea ....hery mayarng teat ..ber kgnom jess noss kgnom min teang douy kloun eng vinh...men teh....mok pi kgnom kmeng ning hery barn jea kgnom oy jouy..bongrean..na bong srey...paoun rean min barn chrean teh..barn trem ter tnak ti 9 ponoss...terb min jess avey soss....ber paoun chgnol paoun ning sour....prous paoun joll jet chgnol nass.....


LK Novelist
LK Novelist

Min ei teh Pa'oun bross... bong som brab aun tha ber aun jong sorsei a'vey trov rork aoy khenh tha aun jong sorsei
aun jong sorsei pi ey mean ney yang na nus terb arch reab klea reab ney pirous sdab ban. Bong pel nis rovol der , pel bong tom neh Jam bong sorsei pi rorbeab teng kom nab
aoy aun eng na...bong welcome on jea nich.



Super Moderator
Super Moderator

Sreylen wrote:Tver mech ber khnom keot mork jea mornus trong merl min deng teh tha keh baok yang mech .... kran tae reong ponneng khmean a'vey thngon thngor teh..khnom yul tha vea jea kar broser tov vinh teh.... heoy khmerus eng mean jong rean jong sot doch keh ot jos !
khnom jong dael ter, ouy tae sreylen sokjet bonkrean khnom? hehehehehehe



LK Novelist
LK Novelist

Come on , I open Part time only 25 eur per minute if you interest please connect me !



Super Moderator
Super Moderator

JOM! merl ke, hahahahaaha sman tae free? charge luiy jung kor sur dael min barch te enjung nos. cjom chlorng chlouy chlorng chlouy chea muay Dane jess bat heuy kekekekeekkeeke:no:



Movie Poster
Movie Poster

soursdey p'aorn pros ber jong sosa kom nap ouy ban laor proser jea kaproser nas som rab yuokvavai yeung jomnean kroy yeung urksa ann
sivephov peasa khmer dael neak rem chhbong yeung sosa touk nov knong
tuosawat 70' reakor kroy kroy teat p'aorn prakot jea ban yuol nov komnap
kap khluong kai jong sosa yang na klea proyuok jun knea,good luckna p'aorn bong kor min sov chet dae na pontae yeung rean tang oss knea tov na jeaka proser heuy .ter mean nak na arch jouy bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp 702428


LK Member
LK Member

Sreylen wrote:Min ei teh Pa'oun bross... bong som brab aun tha ber aun jong sorsei a'vey trov rork aoy khenh tha aun jong sorsei
aun jong sorsei pi ey mean ney yang na nus terb arch reab klea reab ney pirous sdab ban. Bong pel nis rovol der , pel bong tom neh Jam bong sorsei pi rorbeab teng kom nab
aoy aun eng na...bong welcome on jea nich.
min eiy teh ...bong srey....bong arch bongrean paoun pel na ...kor barn daer.....pel na ..bong tomneh jarm kit pi paoun....prous ber bong rovol paoun min hean romkarn bong srey teh...nah bong srey....


LK Member
LK Member

khmerkondal wrote:soursdey p'aorn pros ber jong sosa kom nap ouy ban laor proser jea kaproser nas som rab yuokvavai yeung jomnean kroy yeung urksa ann
sivephov peasa khmer dael neak rem chhbong yeung sosa touk nov knong
tuosawat 70' reakor kroy kroy teat p'aorn prakot jea ban yuol nov komnap
kap khluong kai jong sosa yang na klea proyuok jun knea,good luckna p'aorn bong kor min sov chet dae na pontae yeung rean tang oss knea tov na jeaka proser heuy .ter mean nak na arch jouy bongrean kgnom sorse komnarp 702428
paoun som orkun chrean na bong dael barn jouy oy yourbol dol paoun...paoun ning ket kom tver tarm dael bong barn prarb....paoun ning sak taeng komarp mouy ...hery dark knong lk...hery ..som bong jouy kaer domrov pong........orkun

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